Mary Evslin told me about this...definitely worth looking at.
Best of FPF: Democracy and a Folding Chair
Anyone looking for Democracy on Monday night could have found herat
Woodbury Town Hall, sitting on a folding chair among a group ofresidents
meeting with t...
1 week ago
If you do not mind the suggestion and, if you are not already aware of such yet, fyi:
How do I make a link to another webpage? (via Blogger Help)
Thank you, Morgan. Do you mean so I can type
something and have that word be a link instead of the URL? I appreciate your
You're welcome. Yes, sort of Karyn.
If you are not already aware of how to do so:
What one does, as the help page describes and illustrates, is to mark or highlight any text that has already been inserted or typed in order to make it a live link (i.e., using your mouse to do so, left click at one side of a word or words and hold until the rest of the word or words are reached and release. The word or words should then be highlighted).
Then toggle the link button showing above the blog post text box (what looks like a link) and, when the url box pops up, paste in the Web address or url copied from either a browser address bar or from wherever (or one can type it in too of course).
If one is pasting in a url that already has the http:// as part of it, make sure to clear the http:// already within the pop up box or else the link will not work.
If the url being inserted does not have the http:// as part of it, then leave the http:// in the pop up box so whatever is inserted includes it or the link will not work: e.g., I think this is why the link you provided within your comment is not working since it was not coded properly.
Once a blog post is posted, always check each link by clicking onto it to make certain it works.
By the way, after I posted my comment, I checked some of your other posts and found one that made me think you must have known how to create links in posts (here): i.e., unless it was already formatted and you were simply able to copy and paste the text using the compose mode (rich text format) for creating posts.
My apologies if you already knew how to do this and I incorrectly assumed otherwise.
Yes, this is helpful! I am going to post something right now and will try to make some good links in there... Thank you very much, Morgan.
You're welcome Karyn. Okay.
By the way, if you are so inclined, you can always gain practice at doing this by going into your older posts and editing them to repost the links as embedded ones rather than listing the full urls. It is up to you either way of course.
Just so you know, all this comes from my own person experience at learning how to blog posts as someone who was a newbie at one time as well as helping others with their own learning curves: i.e., blogging 101 and so on.
If it is not already doing so, maybe the Snelling Center could find funding and work with other organizations across the state to help people, businesses, organization, groups and whomever within the state learn how to blog as well as using social media and other such tools in either a very affordable or even free fashion held in different regions, etc.; including by providing live streaming and live blogging (e.g., using CoverItLive) as well as posting archived videos posted online of such for those who cannot make workshops and the like. There is a great need of such. Its just a thought.
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