Saturday, December 20, 2008
Email Scams
Here is a video that I think does a good job of describing how to detect a dangerous email and what to do about it.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Leadership in a Connected Age Survey
Please take a minute to respond to this brief survey so that we can create these workshops with your preferences in mind. And, if you read my earlier post but haven't tried SurveyMonkey yet, this is your chance!
Thank you for your interest! Click here to take the survey.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
The Edge-Based Organization
This article talks about how the Obama campaign gave tech tools and decision-making power to those at the "edge" of the campaign, rather than keeping it on the "inside". It's worth reading, as it is an interesting question for all organizations to ponder.
Monday, December 1, 2008
SurveyMonkey is a wonderful thing. You can write your own survey and then email the link around. We do this a lot when we want to get feedback about a program, get input on a public policy issue, or even just ask one little yes/no question. It's far easier than getting lots of emails back and sorting through them by hand. SurveyMonkey will tally the results for you and make it very easy to get the answers you were looking for.
Recently, the Snelling Center hosted a conference on repairing Vermont Roads and Bridges, then followed it with a SurveyMonkey survey that gleaned over 400 responses! Not bad... You can learn more about this important public policy work and read the report here:
You can really see the polar bear now

Lorie also provides some links to articles about the project.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Lessons from the Obama Campaign

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Education action team rocks
Read their big ideas and take a look at the Wordle!
A book called Disrupting Class: How Disruptive Innovation Will Change the Way the World Learns was mentioned. I'm going to pick up a copy. I like the title.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Rural TeleCon 2008 in Vermont
I led a rich discussion about local community building via Front Porch Forum with a room full of interesting people, and then Front Porch Forum collected two wonderful honors…
First, the RTC People’s Choice Award — Most Innovative. And then, the real shocker, the RTC Champion Award… this is the top national award from the Rural Telecom Congress! And a genuine honor, especially considering the caliber of the other award finalists.
Regrettably, an excellent panel focused on the state of Vermont's e-State didn't materialize.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Response to Student Video
From Sue Mc Cormack's post: I wonder if it is also fostering a stronger sense of community?In some ways, I think technology (and I really wish we had a new word for it!) fosters a stronger sense of community by offering a forum for new ideas to kids with unique experiences and perspectives. Particularly in rural places. lower populations seem to narrow the walls of acceptance. Yet, when kids and adults have access to communities beyond town and state borders, they often discover that they are not as alone as they thought, and that their perspectives are not so foreign. Think about the movie ( for the older folk reading the blog) Footloose. The kids in town were strongly influenced by their traditional values and venues for expression and interaction, but they ached for change. When the troubled Kevin Bacon arrived on the scene, his passion for dancing and willingness to teach and share it provided an outlet for some of the kids’ frustration with the local traditions. Technology opens doors for expanding minds.
My thought on technology fostering community: Yes. Technology fosters community. Technology fosters new definitions of community and technology fosters kids’ willingness and ability to interact with their communities. Our task is to assure that more kids in Vermont have access to many of the tools South Burlington has!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
What is the STATE of the eState of Vermont?
- Does this team support educators or provide education to a broader constituency?
- Is this team contributing to managing the process of education or will it engage in the practice of education?
- Does this action team deliver education?
- How can we go forward - do the thing (educate) we say is necessary to bring the eState forward?
Ultimately this work will entail the PROMOTION of an idea; ACTION on the part of many educators, community members, businesses, and government officials; and FUNDING for the work and the tools to bring the ideas forward to the public.
Some ideas that stirred up the group to discuss further:
- How do we keep the intellkectual capital in Vermont? how do we build for this sustainability for and with our youth?
- How do we create global community thinking within
- What should education look like in the future?
Are you game?
Next meeting date: October 21, 2009 @ 12:30-2:30 Pm in the conference room at the Superintendent's Office in the Essex Town School District.
Student Video on Classroom Technology
Here is the link:
Posted by Karyn Vogel for Sue McCormack
Monday, September 29, 2008
e-State Affectionados: Oct. 4 Event for You
Dan Gillmor is working to help create a culture of innovation and risk-taking in journalism education, and in the wider media world.Dan will speak at 5:00 PM.
October Events
First, the Rural Telecon '08 Conference at Smugglers' Notch on Oct 5 - 8. If you are interested in what's going on as Vermont becomes an e-State, this line should interest you:
"The conference will showcase innovative approaches to building local capacity to improve the quality of life for people in rural communities."
This is exactly what many of the e-State Action Teams have been discussing. They've got some amazing speakers on the docket and it's not too late to register.
And, the second installment of the wildly successful Creative/Tech Career Jam is being held on October 25 at Champlain College. There are no fewer than 12 different panel discussions planned. Should be quite a gathering!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Democracy & Civic Engagement e-State Action Team
Here were the ideas for homework prior to the next meeting:
1. Think about priorities and values in these four areas: Access, Content, Culture, Privacy.
2. What are some ways we can measure critical mass and grassroots demand for civics and community development?
3. Look at Front Porch Forum as a model to know more about the ins and outs and what works and what doesn’t. Ask Michael Wood-Lewis how it’s going. What are people happy with? What would it take to be replicated around the state? Ask him about the four areas mentioned above. Talk to people in the coverage area who have and haven’t joined it, and ask them why and why not.
4. What capacities exist now that we could bring together to provide outreach to deal with the issue of education/fear of being technologically un-savvy or incapable?
5. Review the action ideas from the symposium.
For all of the above, talking to people outside the group and reporting back is encouraged.
Interested? More info is available here.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Institutions to Individuals
Lorie is a engaging speaker. She described the process of recruiting students to work on the incredibly ambitious Google project. Lorie had gotten a little bit of grant money, and decided to use it to buy a refrigerator for the computer lab. Then she’d put some (cold) cash in the fridge for students to use to buy food for themselves. “At least I will feed you!” was her mantra. Lorie also cites good tools (computers, cameras) and good people (students who have that special something) as critical elements in the success of the team. It was obvious from watching her present at this workshop that her contagious enthusiasm and warm personality were an important ingredient as well. Lorie felt that an important outcome of this project was the community-building that occurred between the students and faculty members on the team.
Lorie’s work at
Allison Fine, author of Momentum, was the keynote speaker of the day. She talked about the “shifting of power from institutions to individuals” and the fact that so many young people are exemplary “social citizens” with high volunteer rates and dedication to charitable causes. I knew Allison was delivering a convincing speech when a friend turned to me and asked, “Do you think I am making a mistake to forbid my teenagers from creating their own Facebook pages?” Allison predicts that within 18 months a new tool will have taken the place of Facebook for the college crowd. We thirty and forty-somethings on Facebook will probably stay where we are.
One of Allison’s more important points as far as I was concerned was her advice to organizations and institutions in the age of individual power: Listen. Let the public help guide your work. You might think you don’t have time to process comments, suggestions and feedback from your constituents. But make the time, says Fine, because it is probably a better way to spend part of the day than some of that other stuff on your To Do list.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Workforce and Economic Development Team Meeting September 18th
Monday, September 1, 2008
A person a day

I just read about something called Project 365 on a photography website called Photojojo. Someone decides to photograph a different person in their town each day for a whole year. It's wonderful!
Take a look at this one.
Wouldn't it be fun to do this around here? I would love to try it.
Friday, August 29, 2008
VPT show on Snelling e-State Symposium online
Let us know what you think!
Monday, August 25, 2008
VPT Show Librarian Comments
written by Marti Fiske, Director-Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, August 19, 2008
The internet is a boon, for those who can afford it. That's where public libraries are helping. Public libraries across the state offer free access to computers for internet access and document writing. Last year the public computers in Williston's library were used almost 10,000 times. That is in Williston alone! Librarians are also training people how to use the internet and computer programs. Increasing e-access in Vermont doesn't only help those who can afford it in their homes. It also provides access through public libraries. It's time for the small rural Vermont libraries to have faster, more reliable connections to help their residents break the barrier to internet and computer access too.
written by Martha A. Penzer, August 20, 2008
As a librarian, as Marti Fiske, I observe the role of public libraries in extending e-technology to one and all. This is sharing resources at its best.
If we are serious about democracy in this high-tech age and including everyone in the conversation regardless of his/her capacity to own a P.C., this requires greater support to libraries and librarians.
written by Penny Pillsbury, August 20, 2008
Written by Penelope(Penny) Pillsbury-yet another Librarian.
I feel we need to get all the libraries, but especially public libraries' resources linked together with a single ONLINE catalog,so all Vermonters can find out where the resources are. A blessing to all is the we now have a real live Martha Reid a Public Librarian as State Librarian. Support and communicate with Martha Reid, State Librarian. As it stands now, each library has to pay for software to create a database, wouldn't it be a great deal more cost effective to have one system for the entire state. It exists in West Virginia, another mountainous state. It would level the playing field for rich and poor.
written by Paula J. Baker, August 20, 2008
Libraries USED to be private, the domain of the wealthy. With the rise of public libraries in the last century, the community has enlarged and to the benefit of all. I can't say it strongly enough: Librarians daily assist the elderly who wish to connect with their grandchildren across the continent, aid workers looking for jobs in a tighter economy (often without keyboard skills), work with students whose home internet connections are either nonexistent or very, very slow, and the list of needs goes on. Many of us also offer full-text databases 24/7 through our websites, a valuable tool for a rural environment. Libraries are or should be key players in all discussions regarding community and access. What state agency is open nights and weekends? Cost effectiveness dictates many of those restrictive hours, but libraries do it locally anyway. We should be thinking about connectivity and access not only for residents but between agencies which ultimately serves all Vermont citizens and visitors.
written by Karyn Vogel, August 20, 2008
I am so glad librarians are participating in this discussion. I agree with Paula - librarians should be key players in discussions about technology, equity and access. One of the biggest concerns about our increasing dependence on and use of technology is the fact that some have access to it and some don't. Lack of access can take different forms: some can't afford the hardware, some can't afford to pay for connectivity, some don't have broadband options, some just don't have the computer skills they need. Or a disability may prevent them from easily using a computer. Libraries are doing such important work to help people use technology. I'm interested in what librarians are saying about how we can support their work and make them a part of our becoming a successful e-state. It would be good to hear from library patrons as well, especially those who rely on the library for technology access and education.
written by Anne Lezak, August 21, 2008
These comments by librarians point out the vital role that libraries play in extending Internet access to those who would otherwise be left behind. And they underscore the need for state support to enable libraries to continue to play this key connecting role in our rural state.
Our library board (I am a trustee) is very much aware of the importance of computers and technology to our users. Our computers are in use all the time, every day, usually with people waiting to use them. We know that this is the only place many folks can go to get online, do the research they need, connect with others, and have at least a short time to take advantage of the technology that those of who can afford it consider a necessity.
Vermont is one of only 9 states where libraries receive no state support. Providing some state funding to enable libraries to maintain and expand their ability to provide access to technology for all must be a priority if we are to truly become an e-state.
written by Stephanie Chase, August 21, 2008
Yet another Librarian comment! Here in Stowe, we too see such a wide variety of folks coming in to the Library to use our computers: visitors to our state, local folks popping in, residents without high-speed access or computers at home to access the Internet or our online resources. Our public access computers were used nearly 15,000 times last year!
Providing high-speed access across the state not only allows our residents, whether at home or through their schools or public libraries, access to the resources of the greater world; to compete in the work environment by staying current with technology; to acquire new skills; and to keep up with "what's happening," whether in popular culture, news, or even the Olympics! It also allows us to move towards a "greener" life, where resources are not replicated from organization to organization, and where we can obtain reliable information without paper. As Penny mentioned, it also allows us to collaborate on projects to provide equity to all our residents -- whether through a single online library catalog to find books and other materials, or through resource sharing as we have with the Vermont Online Library ( collection of databases or the downloadable audiobooks available through Listen Up! Vermont (
written by Zelda43, August 21, 2008
Libraries are struggling to meet the demand for public internet access and are doing a pretty good job when it comes to providing such within the physical library building. But...libraries are also beginning to embrace technological methods to delivery library resources. Accessing the Vermont Online Library is a tedious and frustrating task for those who do not have high-speed Internet. If we are moving toward making audiobooks, DVDs, etc. available only through downloads we will effectively prevent many from enjoying them. Internet access is critical, but it is high-speed Internet that's needed. Pretending that access is provided through a phone-modem is out of touch with reality.
written by Martha Reid, Vermont State Librarian, August 21, 2008
We cannot talk about economic development in this state without including the need for high speed internet access. Vermonters in every demographic group need access -- students, job seekers, businesses, retirees, youth, parents, teachers, local and state government, etc. Expanding broadband capacity throughout the state is key, but access for all Vermonters is also essential. Any discussion about "building community in a connected age" must also include recognition that there is a "digital divide" between those who can afford computers in their homes and businesses and who are well trained in using them and those who do not own computers or do not know how to use them. Vermont's system of public libraries offers free access to computers and internet access. Librarians are trained and available to help people use those computers; many of Vermont's libraries offer one-on-one assistance in using computers, as well as free computer classes. Of the 175 Vermont public libraries that submitted statistical reports to the Vermont Department of Libraries for 2006-07, 93% reported that they offer free high speed intenet access for the public. For the same period Vermont ranked #2 in the nation for the number of public access computers in libraries per 5,000 population. But Vermont libraries cannot sustain this level of access and service without financial support: for hardware and software upgrades, additional computer workstations, staff costs (including training for staff), connectivity charges, database subscription costs, etc. Vermont is lucky to have such a fine system of libraries already in place to support Vermont in becoming a true e-state. To make this library network viable for the long term, however, we need to make sure that our libraries have adequate financial support. [To see the complete statistical report about Vermont's public libraries, go to: ]]
written by Meris Morrison, Librarian Moore Free Library,Newfane, VT, August 22, 2008
We even have internet users when our Newfane library is closed. If they have a laptop they can access our high speed access anytime from their cars or sitting on the porch. This is true of other libraries as well. What a boon to our rural communities!
VPT Show blog comments
Living in a rural state, Vermonters have a strong sense of place and a tradition of civic discourse. As we move toward becoming an e-State, how will we master emerging technologies to unite and strengthen our communities?
written by Technologyisgood,
As Vermonters we should embrace technology! It offers endless options for us to communicate with our friends, neighbors, and legislators. You can send an email to a friend, use an online forum to check out what's happening on your block, or express your concerns to your elected officials.
written by Left Behind,
One of the challenges facing
written by Mr. Mischief,
We are such a small state. To me it's unbelievable that it is taking so long to provide across-the-state access for all Vermonters. The regional disparity results in an unfair "connection-gap" that hurts rural Vermonters.
written by Michael Wood-Lewis,
While many folks rightly focus on the issue of getting more Vermonters connected in "a connected age," the broader question on the table is "how do we enhance the sense of community within the State of
Some argue that all of this technology is stealing our attention away from our local communities and focusing it on entertainment, issues away from our hometowns, etc.
Some great panelists appeared at the conference. Here's a link to my presentation...
Thanks to all who are helping stimulate this larger discussion. I'm looking forward to the VPT show and discussion. -Michael
Michael Wood-Lewis
Front Porch Forum
Thursday, August 21, 2008
The democratization of the news
What is a credible news source you say? NewsCred has made an initial selection of online newspapers and blogs based on several factors you can read about on their site. Then, in true Web 2.0 fashion, NewsCred lets users rate sources and customize the site to display the sources they prefer.
As time goes on, the data for each article, news source, and journalist will grow as more readers give them the thumbs up or thumbs down. Who can predict who will come out ahead? What criteria readers will use to make their judgments? And how will these ratings feed back onto the way content is being produced? This is the democratization of the media.
And, as Valenza aptly notes, NewsCred is an excellent tool to use for teaching students how to be critical consumers of news. She suggests reviewing NewsCred’s analytic algorithms with students and asking them to decide if they agree or disagree with the methods being used. Students can also review the user rating data to look for trends and come up with their own criteria. The possibilities are endless and the result is a compelling curriculum that can truly prepare our young people for the world they are entering.
Take a look at NewsCred yourself. Remember to weigh in!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Questioning "March Toward Total Screenlife"
Andrew Mason: "Inaction stems from a pragmatic judgment that participating doesn’t matter. Not apathy."So how can we use our new and pending connectedness in Vermont to make participation matter to Vermonters?
Daniel Goleman: "While there are certainly arguments for staying connected to those we care about while we are at a distance, there is always a trade-off with the distractedness this wisp of an information stream induces, drawing our attention from people in the here and now."So all that Facebooking with distant old pals means there's less of me available for my local community? Go figure.
Jeff Pulver: "twitter... is the platform I go to when I am in a mood to communicate with others... "'s shocking that this piece was written without even a nod to the absurdity & risk of our March Toward Total Screenlife. Real-time communication is free & easy, so why have "real-enough time communication"? When you want to say 'good morning' or are in a mood to communicate with others, why not arrange your life so it's F2F (eg. a workplace, people you live with, a breakfast club, ?)? Are the people within X miles not good enough? As I quoted the other day, "The physical world is very high bandwidth."
VPT Public Square: Add your comments
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Vermont slowing down :-( released its 2008 State Internet Speed Survey findings.....In 2007, Vermont ranked 21st fastest in the US for Internet speeds and in 2008 (drum roll please), we sank to 38th fastest place (or, 12th slowest place in U.S. depending on your outlook). Whether or not these surveys pass statistical muster or not (They seem too), it is still the best survey on Internet speeds that I have come across. And unfortunately, it feels about the right results too.
And folks, here is among the saddest results: Vermont was one of five US States whose median download speed actually declined in the year over year survey. Yup, we got worse along with North Dakota, Minnesota, North Dakota and Hawaii.
Could your town's website get a date?
Friday, August 8, 2008
How to add a comment to the blog
For example, I am going to add a comment to Sue McCormack's post about Vermont's aging population. Here's is the post.

In order to add a comment, I am going to click on the words "0 comments".
When I click it, I will get a new page with a blank text box. I type my comments into the box.

Below the box, I need to show my identity. If my name appears already, it is because I am already logged in with my google account. No need to change anything. Just click the Publish Your Comment button.
If my name isn't already there, I can choose Name and then just type my name in the box that appears. Then click Publish Your Comment button. Here's a picture.

Voila! Comments are the wonderful part about blogs. We want to hear from you! Please try these steps to add a comment and let me know how it goes... By adding a comment to this post, of course! If you get stuck, email me at
Economic and Workforce Development Action Team
Since this team is just getting organized I can’t really say right now what level of commitment may be required. We may find that there is a lot to do (holding some meetings in various parts of the state in order to create more involvement is a possibility) or we may find that there are a number of initiatives already underway and our job could be as simple as cataloging those efforts and trying them into future work of the Snelling Center E-State Initiative. Or the folks may have a completely different idea of how this should come together. There are no pre-conceived notions other than there appears to be a need to come together and see what there might be to do.
I hope that you will agree to participate on this team. If you can commit to a meeting on September 18th, please let me know. If that time is out of the question for you but you want to propose a different time to meet, I’m happy to consider that as well. I can be reached by Email at
But if you can commit to at least one meeting, please let me know. Thanks!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
VT population aging, diversifying - e-state implications?
Education action team meeting
We had a great group and some interesting discussion. See Ellen's meeting notes as well as some thoughts from a few folks who couldn't make the meeting on the Snelling e-State wiki by clicking here.
One of my takeaways from this meeting was that there are many promising projects, ideas, and initiatives happening around the state related to technology and education, including right here where I live in Essex. We'll be working to connect the dots and providing opportunities to share and collaborate.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Should our next President be tech-savvy?
The article is about how John McCain can’t use a computer and whether that’s OK. He’s trying to change his image—he says he reads emails now when his staffers show them to him. I’m not sure if that should count as technological literacy.
Of course, not everyone needs to embrace technology. But there are certain jobs (President being one) where it would be helpful. White House staff can handle the email and Google look-ups, but if the leader of the country has little direct experience with the technology that is transforming our world it could have serious implications.
What do you think?
The author even harkens back to Abraham Lincoln, who apparently was an early adopter of technology. He was out there chatting with his Civil War generals via telegraph when others were still hoofing it. I will include the NYT excerpt from Abe's “Discoveries, Inventions and Improvements” (1859) lecture here, because how many opportunities will there be to quote Abraham Lincoln on this blog?
The great difference between Young America and Old Fogy is the result of Discoveries, Inventions and Improvements. These, in turn, are the result of observation, reflection and experiment. For instance, it is quite certain that ever since water has been boiled in covered vessels, men have seen the lids of the vessels rise and fall a little, with a sort of fluttering motion, by force of the steam; but so long as this was not specially observed, and reflected, and experimented upon, it came to nothing. At length, however, after many thousand years, some man observes this long-known effect of hot water lifting a pot-lid, and begins a train of reflection upon it. He says “Why, to be sure, the force that lifts the pot-lid will lift anything else, which is no heavier than the pot-lid. And, as man has much hard lifting to do, cannot this hot-water power be made to help him?” He has become a little excited on the subject, and he fancies he hears a voice answering “Try me.”Friday, August 1, 2008
Knight Foundation's big impace on local democracy
The Knight Foundation is beginning to make some waves in local democracy circles. And I am not just saying that because they fund this blog.Click here for the advice...Earlier this year they hosted a conference with community foundations on the Information Needs of Communities in a Democracy, then they announced the Knight Center of Digital Excellence focused on universal access to the "digital town square," and most recently announced a commission on the Information Needs of Communities in a Democracy and $24 million in matching funds for community foundations (see my collection of online civic engagement resources for community foundations referenced in a Council on Foundation's e-newsletter).
These investments represent the largest basket of resources I've seen to date on e-democracy/citizen media in the United States focused at the local level. What comes of this matters.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Local government 2.0?
Could the idea of an electronic commons, a new civic switchboard, materially improve city governments across the U.S.? Could it also draw younger idealists into government as the baby boom professionals start to retire in droves?
That’s the hope. And there’s an even wider possibility. Governments everywhere are facing local versions of the toughest challenges of the times — energy, global warming, immigration and others. Narrowly conceived solutions born inside government hierarchies won’t do. So how about engaging citizens as co-producers of answers and ideas in the virtual world’s public square? Could we advance government itself from 1.0 to 2.0? Why not?
Brooke Bennett case
Worth reading is Jessamyn's take on the Brooke Bennett tragedy as related to social networking sites:
Libraries in a digital age

Here's the link to a recent Burlington Free Press article on libraries:
And a quote I pulled out:
Free Internet access is particularly important for low-income people, said Ken Flamm, an economics professor at the University of Texas at Austin who has studied the role of the Internet in public libraries.
Only about a third of households with incomes below $25,000 have Internet access, according to federal data.
“In a world in which Internet access is increasingly important for all sorts of things, from getting a driver’s license to preparing a homework project or looking for a job, this is becoming a vital lifeline for the least advantaged segment of the population,” Flamm said.
Will Vermont libraries close the digital divide?
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Education Action Team to Meet
Where: Essex Town Superintendent's Office, 58 Founders Road
Time: 5:00-7:00 PM
All are welcome. If you can not attend but would like to give your input - send me (Ellen) your top 3 ideas to
Monday, July 21, 2008
Growing Up Digital
Hello everyone,
I'm sure this will be a very worthwhile event. Please consider attending and pass it on to friends and colleagues.
Friday, September 26, 2008
sponsored by ACME Vermont
Growing Up Digital: Kids, Commercialism and New Media Culture
Bishop Booth Conference Center at Rock Point 20 Rock Point Circle Burlington, VT
Friday, Sep. 26, 2008 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Keynote Speakers:
Workshops include:
Friday, July 18, 2008
Public Square Program on e-state initiative
Friday, July 11, 2008
Education Action Team - Interested?
What does this statement mean to you?
August 5 OR 6
Morning 9:00-11:00
Afternoon: 1:00-3:00 OR 3:00-5:00 OR 5:00-7:00
Director of Instruction and Information Services
Essex Town School District
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Online Tools Training
Monday, July 7, 2008
Team Needs Members
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Access to low cost computers focus of new business
Friday, June 27, 2008
Information, Communities, Democracy... New Knight Commission
Knight Commission on the Information Needs of Communities in a Democracy
“The charge of the Commission is straightforward,” says Alberto Ibargüen, president and CEO of Knight Foundation. “Articulate the information needs of communities in this democracy; determine where we are today; and propose public policy that will encourage market solutions.”
The Commission was keen to learn about our experiences operating Front Porch Forum in Chittenden County. The full Commission is listed here. And…
The Commission will be led by co-chairs Ted Olson, former Solicitor General of the United States, and Marissa Mayer, Vice President of Search Product and User Experience at Google. Peter Shane, a distinguished law professor at Ohio State University Law School, is the executive director.
The Knight Commission is funded by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation and organized by the Aspen Institute.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Great article on technology and civic life
He talks about the potential that bloggers have to reshape the relationship between citizens and government and to have a real impact on local communities. How do we connect online talk and information to real action and change? Matt has some good ideas about this, and his four principles really speak to what the e-state symposium was all about. I hope we can continue to move the e-state work forward in a way that combines the best of face to face dialogue with online tools. I can't wait to see how this continues to unfold.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
VPT feature in the works

Vermont Public Television is creating an hour-long show on the e-State Symposium! It will air on July 24 at 8PM. I can't wait to watch it.
Meanwhile, take a look at CCTV's e-State video if you haven't already:
Friday, June 20, 2008
e-State kick-off
The Snelling Center e-State initiative needs a blog. It won't really be very exciting until I find a good picture to go at the top.